Strategic Planning Software (SPS) allows a user to walk through the strategic planning process of an organisation and shall take one through different phases of the process. The first two phases, Stage 1 and Stage 2 are related to strategic planning, stages 3 and 4 are related to strategic management. This software deals with strategic planning, therefore only phase 1 and 2 are covered.
Strategic Planning Software is a research and strategic planning management tool designed for: Instructors teaching Strategy, Policy and Entrepreneurship courses. Business managers involved in strategic planning. Government strategy and policy specialists. Business consultants and practitioners.
Strategic Planning Software generates several detailed PDF and MS Word reports with charts and diagrams. These are the models it produces:
Strategic Planning Software addresses one of the most important challenges faced by faculty teaching business strategy, policy, planning and entrepreneurship courses; how to bring the real world into the classroom or training environment by providing the platform needed to support students and practitioners alike in their roles as managers and decision makers in an organizational setting.
Strategic Planning Software provides students with interactive, engaging, and innovative web-based software which help bridge the gap between theory and the rigorous strategic planning and development process of solving real, complex business problems.
Business entities can use Strategic Planning Software to bridge the gap by analyzing their company's strategic position and formulate effective competitive strategies.
Business consultants can use Strategic Planning Software to assist their clients enhance their understanding of their company's strategic and competitive position in their industry.
This fully interactive and innovative web-based software brings the real world of business into the classroom, allowing students to simulate their future roles as managers and decision-makers in an organizational setting.
I found the Strategic Planning Software an excellent strategic planning/analysis tool. The ease of understanding and its versatility makes it an excellent choice for both SME and international corporations. Having aided in the analysis of the Nigeria real estate industry, and helping us understand the need for strategic planning, it is evident that the software is suitable even for businesses in developing economies.
The use of the Strategic Planning Software during a consultancy project I led for a large UK company helped immensely to structure the work process and facilitated a smooth coordination and integration of efforts from different seven team members involved in the project.
Having used Strategic Planning Software analysis online, I can say that it is best analysis program that I have come across. Its ease of use and the provision of standard industrial analysis tools allow the evaluation of multiple strategies and scenarios.
The software is a very handy tool for strategic analysis. The easy to follow structure and layout of the software makes the data input and report generation a simple but effective task. As the software included, within it, factors affecting Internal and External Analysis, it helped immensely in gathering required data, forming a standard structure and bringing out a high quality coursework and presentation. I reckon not only is it a tool in enhancing the understanding of strategic analysis but also an inevitable system for decision making process for companies, universities and even small businesses.
If you are looking for bulk licensing for universities please contact us directly.
Dr. Emanuel Gomes is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in International Business and Strategy and the Deputy Head of the International Business and Strategy department at the University of Birmingham, Birmingham Business School (UK). He is also a Visiting Associate Professor at Universidade Nova, Nova School of Business and Economics (Portugal).
His specialist teaching is in, International Business, Strategic Management, Managing International Strategic Alliances, Mergers and Acquisitions.
With the objective of bridging theory and practice, he continuously endeavours and strives to make every teaching and learning experience theoretical sound and as practical and applicable as possible. To this end, he uses teaching and learning technologies in these modules. Following a constructivist teaching and learning approach, he involves students in authentic problem-solving and decision-making projects with the objective to help them develop complex problem solving skills as well as domain expertise.
His research interest is in the areas of M&A, strategic alliances, strategic renewal, and internationalisation of the firm, particularly in the African context. He is a member of various scientific research associations and groups such as: the Academy of Management, Africa Academy of Management, NovaAfrica, Africa Research Group, among others.
He is the author of three books ‘Mergers, Acquisitions and Strategic Alliances: Understanding the Process’, ‘Acquisitions in the UK Car Industry: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Merger Processes.’ and ‘Mergers and Acquisitions as Strategic Methods of Business Development in the Global Automobile Industry: An Analysis of Five Cases’. He is the author of the Strategic Planning Software ( He is also the author of several papers published in international refereed journals including the Journal of World Business, International Business Review, Management International Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Thunderbird International Business Review, International Marketing Review (forthcoming), and Human Resource Management Review (forthcoming). Before pursuing an academic career, he had previously worked in the automotive, HR and the not-for-profit sectors. He has provided consultancy to companies operating in the automotive, construction, international trade, energy, music, and sports industries.
He is a member of the Mergers and Acquisitions Research Interest Committee of the EuroMed Research Business Institute. He has acted as a Scientific Committee member and as a Co-Chair at various international conferences. He also served as a reviewer to various international refereed journals such as the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, British Journal of Management, Journal of World Business, Global Strategy Journal, California Management Review, Long Range Planning, Management International Review, International Business Review, International Marketing Review, International Journal of Management Reviews, International Journal of Human Resource Management, International Journal of Production Economics, International Studies of Management and Organisation journal, Thunderbird International Business Review, Group and Organization Management, Personnel Review, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, and the European Journal of Cross-Cultural Management. He has also served as a reviewer for the Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grants.
Manuel Fernandes is a software engineer with over 15 years of solid experience developing web applications, desktop and server software. He is proficient in several programming languages and frameworks ranging from C++, Perl, PHP and Javascript.
He is an entrepreneur and a co-founder with experience in licensing software to several companies, including Macromedia (acquired by Adobe).
He is a technology consultant having worked for several Portuguese telecomunications companies and startups.
He is also the author of several open-source projects.
Manuel is currently the software engineer behind Strategic Planning Software.